Here are a few tips to help you decide if you should have your roof inspected.

- Have you experienced severe weather since your last roof inspection? Even if it has been a while since the damage occurred, your insurance company may still be responsible. With most insurance companies, you have one year from the storm date to report the damage.
- Talk to your neighbors. Have they repaired or replaced their roof due to hail damage? Are you noticing contractor signs throughout your neighborhood? If there is damage to other homes near you, chances are your home was also affected.
- Walk around your home. Check your windows and window screens. If you see dents or torn window screens, then your roof could have potential damage as well. Also, if you have vinyl siding on your home, keep your eye open to dents or even holes in your siding.
- Call your local contractor. Some hail damage is not obvious and it takes a trained eye to know what you are looking at. Even minor damage to your shingles or siding could quickly turn into costly repairs.