The performance of your new roof goes a lot deeper than the shingles. It takes a complete system – including ventilation and insulation products. These elements work together to provide you comfort, help you save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and extend the life of your roof.

Trapped heat and moisture in the attic can severely jeopardize the performance of a roof. The combination of insulation and a ventilation system helps to keep excessive household moisture and heat out. As a result, the proper conditions and temperature are better maintained in the attic and on the roof deck throughout the year.

Attic moisture can cause:
- Wet wood – sagging roof deck
- Potential insect infestation
- Mold, spores, fungi and mildew
- Metal rust (nail heads)
- Interior damage
Attic heat can cause
- Ice dams that prevent water runoff
- Premature failure of roofing materials
It’s Time To Take Action.
If your home is 10 to 15 years old, there’s a good chance it’s not as well insulated as it should be. Not having enough insulation results in major energy loss, and whether you realize it or not, your home is constantly leaking energy – especially out of the attic.
Since energy costs are only continuing to rise, it’s a smart idea to protect your home against these rising expenses. A well-insulated home can significantly reduce the cost of utility bills throughout the year. We want to help you save money, not throw it away. That’s why we install insulation using Owens Corning AttiCat Expanding Blown-In Insulation System. It’s one of the fastest, easiest and most affordable ways to save on energy.
To determine if you should add insulation, you first need to find out how much insulation you already have. Here at North American Contractors, we can provide you with a free insulation inspection as well as expert advice and free quote. You can also take the “Home Insulation Comfort Quiz” provided by Owens Corning to see how your home stacks up!